- Nepenthes adnata Tamin & M. Hotta ex Schlauer in Schlauer & Nerz, Blumea 39, (1994) 141; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 28; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 16; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes albomarginata T. Lobb ex Lindl., Gard. Chron. (1849) 580; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 31; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 18; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes laevis C. Morren (non Nepenthes laevis Lindl. = Nepenthes gracilis), Belg. Hort. 2, (1852) 234. – Nepenthes tomentella Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1, (1858) 1075; Sumatra, Seine Pflanzenwelt (1862) 151; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20 (1895) 191 (as a variety of Nepenthes albomarginata). – Nepenthes albomarginata var. villosa Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 103. – Nepenthes albomarginata var. typica Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 191, nom. inval. – Nepenthes albomarginata var. rubra Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 38. – Nepenthes albocincta var. rubra Hort. ex Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 38, nomen. – Nepenthes albocincta Hort. ex Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 38, nomen. Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes ampullaria Jack, Comp. Bot. Mag. (1835) 271; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 33; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 20; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes ampullaceae H. Low, Sarawak (1848) 69, nomen. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. guttata Moore, Gard. Chron. (1872) 360. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. vittata major Mast., Gard. Chron. (1872) 542; Andre, Ill.Hort. 24, (1877) 45. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. vittata Andre, 111. Hort. 24, (1877) 272; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 150. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. geelvinkiana Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 8. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. longicarpa Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 8. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. microsepala Macfarl., Nova Guinea 8, (1910) 340. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. racemosa J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Mai. Nat. J. 44, (1991) 29. – Nepenthes ampullaria auct. non Jack: Jeann., Nouv. Caled. Agric. (1894) 92 (= Nepenthes vieillardii Hook.f.). Thailand, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Kalimantan, New Guinea. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
- Nepenthes angasanensis Maulder, Schub., Salmon & Quinn, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 28, (1999) 15; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 22; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes aristolochioides Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 22; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 36; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 24; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA. Photos
- Nepenthes biak Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 62, (2018) 175 Endemic to Biak Island, New Guinea. PAPUA.
- Nepenthes bicalcarata Hook.f., in A.DC, Prodr. 17, (1873) 97; Becc, Malesia 2, (1886) 231; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 270; Sh. Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 37; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 70; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 24; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 68; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 41; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes dyak S. Moore, J. Bot. 18 (1880) 1; Burb., Gard. Chron. 1, (1882) 56; Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 1. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes bongso Korth., Kruidkunde, in Temminck, Verh. Nat. Gesch. (1840) 19; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 42; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 26; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes carunculata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 277; Sh. Kurata, Gard. Bull. Sing. 26, (1973) 227. – Nepenthes carunculata var. robusta Nerz & Wistuba, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 23 (1995) 111. – Nepenthes bongso auct. non Korth.: Ridl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 38, (1908) 320 (= Nepenthes gracillima Ridl.). – Nepenthes bongso auct. non Korth.: Guill., Ann. Mus. Col. Mars. ser. 2, 9, (1911) 211 (= Nepenthes vieillardii Hook.f.). – Nepenthes bongso auct. non Korth.: Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 83 (p.p. = Nepenthes bongso Korth., Nepenthes dubia Danser & Nepenthes inermis Danser). Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes boschiana Korth., Kruidkunde, in Temminck, Verh. Nat. Gesch. (1840) 25, t. 2,4: 39-54; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 275; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 27; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 71; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 44; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes borneensis J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Gard. Bull. Sing. 42 (1990) 26; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 26; syn. nov. – Nepenthes boschiana auct. non Korth.: Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17 (1873) 98 (p.p. = Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.). – Nepenthes maxima auct. non Reinw. ex Nees: Becc., Malesia 1 (1878) 214; 3 (1886) 3 & 9. – Nepenthes boschiana auct. non Korth.: Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 71 (p.p. = Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.). Endemic to Southern Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes campanulata Sh.Kurata, Gard. Bull. Sing. 26 (1973) 227; The Heredity 26, 10 (1972) 44 & 50, nomen; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 78; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 29; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 76; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 48; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes chaniana C.Clarke, Chi C.Lee & S.McPherson, Sabah Parks Nature J. 7, (2006) 56; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009).; Golos et al., Phytotaxa 432, 2, (2020) 135. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes clipeata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 281; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 80; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 30; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 78; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 49; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes dactylifera A.S.Rob., Golos, S.McPherson & Barer, Phytotaxa 392, (2019) 110. – Nepenthes sp. [“undescribed species collected from the Mulu area”] in Phillipps & Lamb (1988: 8, 1 fig.). – Nepenthes sp. A in Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 141; Steiner, Borneo: Its Mountains and Lowlands with their Pitcher Plants (2002) 112. – Nepenthes fusca auct. non Danser in Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 41; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 64; Phillipps et al. Pitcher Plants of Borneo, 2nd ed (2008) 121; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009) 346. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes danseri Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 30; Nepenthes sp. in Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17 (1991)47; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 51; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic from Halmahera to Waigeo Island. MALUKU, PAPUA.
- Nepenthes densiflora Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1940) 268; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 53; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 28; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes bongso × N. pectinata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 16, (1928) 274. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes diabolica A.Bianchi, Chi.C.Lee., Golos, Mey, M.Mansur & A.S.Rob., Phytotaxa 464, 1, (2020) 32 Nepenthes hamata sensu McPherson Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009) 1001; sensu McPherson & Robinson (2012) 15. “Nepenthes ronchinii” ined. in Bianchi, Unpublished B.Sc. thesis (2016) 13 Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes diatas Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 33; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 54; Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 30; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes dubia Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 285: Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 36; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 56; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 32; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes bongso auct. non Korth.: Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 83, partim. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes ephippiata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 286; 426; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 85; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 38; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 83; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 59; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes epiphytica A.S.Rob., Nerz & Wistuba, In McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume One (2011) 36. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes eustachya Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1 (1858) 1074, suppl. 151; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 60; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 34; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes eymae Sh. Kurata, J. Insect. PI. Soc. (Japan) 35, 2 (6 Feb. 1984) 41 (as ‘eymai’); Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 39; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 60; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes infundibuliformis J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton, Reinwardtia 10, 2 (10 Feb. 1984) 110. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes flava Wistuba, Nerz & A.Fleischm, Blumea 52, (2007) 159; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes fractiflexa Golos, A.S.Rob. & Barer, Phytotaxa 432, 2, (2020) 127. – Nepenthes hurrelliana auct. non Cheek & A.L.Lamb in Lee 15, (2004) 98; Phillipps et al., Pitcher Plants of Borneo, 2nd ed. (2008) 144. – Nepenthes sp. Bagong in Robinson et al., Phytotaxa 392, 2, (2019) 100. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes fusca Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 288, p.p.; A.S.Rob & Golos, Phytotaxa 392, (2019) 110 – Nepenthes veitchii? auct. non Hook.f. [Endert (1927) 277]. Other concept to be excluded: Nepenthes fusca Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 48; Phillipps & Lamb. Nature Malaysiana 13, 4, (1988) 24; Phillipps & Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 87; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 87 = N. fusca Danser & N. zakriana (J.H.Adam & Wilcock) J.H.Adam & Hafiza. – Nepenthes fusca Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 41; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 64, Phillipps et al. Pitcher Plants of Borneo, 2nd ed (2008) 121; and McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009) 346 = N. dactylifera A.S.Rob., Golos, S.McPherson & Barer. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes glabrata J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton, Reinwardtia 10, 2 (10 Feb. 1984) 107 (as ‘glabratus’); Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 41; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 66; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes rubromaculata Sh. Kurata (non Nepenthes × rubromaculata Veitch ex Wilson, Gard. Chron. II, 8 (1891)441), J. Insect. PI. Soc. (Japan) 35 (6 Feb. 1984) 42. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes gracilis Korth., Kruidkunde, in Temminck, Verh. Nat. Gesch. (1840) 22; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 67; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra. Endemic to Sumatra (2006) 36; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes laevis Lindl. (non Nepenthes laevis C. Morren = Nepenthes albomarginata), Gard. Chron. (1848) 655. – Nepenthes gracilis var. elongata Blume,Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2, (1852) 10. – Nepenthes korthalsiana Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1, (1858) 1071. – Nepenthes teysmanniana Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1,1, (1858) 1073. – Nepenthes gracilis var. teysmanniana (Miq.) Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 190. – Nepenthes tupmanniana Bonstedt, Parey Blumeng. 1, (1931) 663. – Nepenthes laevis Korth. ex Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 104; in syn. – Nepenthes angustifolia Mast., Gard. Chron. 2, (1881) 524. – Nepenthes gracilis var. longinodis Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 190, as Nepenthes longinodis. – Nepenthes gracilis var. arenaria Ridl. ex Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 59. – Nepenthes distillatoria auct. non L.: Jack, Comp. Bot. Mag. 1, (1835) 271. Thailand, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Kalimantan, Sulawesi. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI. Photos
- Nepenthes gymnamphora Nees, Ann. Sci. Nat. 3 (1824) 366; Blume, Enum. PI. Javae (1827) 85; Korth., Verh. Nat. Gesch. (1840) 32; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 300, partim; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 45; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 72; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 38; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes melamphora Reinw. ex Blume, Cat. Gew. Buitenzorg (1823) 111, nomen; Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 8. – Nepenthes gymnamphora var. haematamphora Miq., PI. Jungh. 1 (1852) 169; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 186; Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 57 – Nepenthes melamphora var. haematamphora (Miq.) Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1 (1858) 1073. – Nepenthes gymnamphora auct. non Nees: Miq., PL Jungh. 2, (1852) 169. – ?Nepenthes melamphora var. lucida Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 8; Becc, Malesia 3, (1886) 5; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20 (1895) 186. – Nepenthes phyllamphora auct. non Willd.: Reinw. ex Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1, (1858) 1073. – Nepenthes melamphora auct. non Blume: Fern.-Vill., Fl. Filip. Nov. App. (1880) 173 = Nepenthes alata Blanco – Nepenthes melamphora var. tomentella Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 13. – Nepenthes melamphora var. pubescens Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2, (1891) 562. – Nepenthes rafflesiana auct. non Jack: Haberle, Bot. Tropenr. (1893) 227. [Nepenthes melamphora var. tomentella Becc., Malesia 3 (1886) 13 = Nepenthes pectinata Danser.]. – Nepenthes rosulata Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 95, nom. nud. – Endemic to Java. JAVA.
- Nepenthes halmahera Cheek, Blumea 59, (2015) 217. Endemic to Halmahera Island. MALUKU.
- Nepenthes hamata J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton, Reinwardtia 10, 2 (10 Feb. 1984) 108 (as ‘hamatus’); Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 46; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 74; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes dentata Sh. Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 11, nom. nud.; Gard. Bull. Sing. 36 (1984) 197. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes harauensis Hernawati, R.Satria & Chi.C.Lee, Reinwardtia 21, 1 (2022) 20; Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. in A.DC, Prodr. 17 (1873) 99; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 306; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Nature Malaysiana 13, 4, (1988) 16; Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 92; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 47; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 93; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 76; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes hirsuta var. glabrata Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 50. – Nepenthes hirsuta var. typica Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 50, inval. – Nepenthes leptochila Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 319; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 97. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes hispida Beck, Wiener III. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 187; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 48; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 94; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 78; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes hirsuta auct. non Hook.f.: Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 59; M. Hotta, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 22, (1966) 7. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes inermis Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 312; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 81; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 40; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes bongso auct. non Korth.: Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 83. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes insignis Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 314, f. 11; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17 (1991) 24, f. 10; Rischer, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 24 (1995) 75; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 52; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 83; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic from main island New Guinea to Biak Island. PAPUA.
- Nepenthes izumiae Troy Davis, C.Clarke & Tamin, Blumea 48, (2003) 180; Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra. Endemic to Sumatra (2006) 42; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes jacquelineae C.Clarke, Troy Davis & Tamin, Nepenthes of Sumatra & Penins. Malaysia (2001) 146; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra. Endemic to Sumatra (2006) 44; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes jamban Chi C.Lee, Hernawati & Akhriadi, Blumea 51, (2006) 562; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes klosii Ridl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. II, 9 (1916) 140; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 317; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17 (1991) 26; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 54; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 84; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
- Nepenthes lamii (Jebb & Cheek) A.S.Rob., Wistuba, Nerz, M.Mansur & S. McPherson, Nepenthes vieillardii auct. non Hook.f.: Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 393; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17 (1991) 45 Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
- Nepenthes lavicola Wistuba & Rischer, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 25, (1996) 106; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 86; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 46; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes lingulata Chi C.Lee, Hernawati & Akhriadi, Blumea 51, (2006) 562; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes longifolia Nerz & Wistuba, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 23, (1994) 105; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 48; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes longiptera Victoriano, Reinwardtia 20, 1, (2021) 18; Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes lowii Hook.f., Trans. Linn. Soc. 22 (1859) 420; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 321; Sh. Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 53; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Nature Malaysiana 13, 4, (1988) 19, 20; Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 98; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42 (1997) 55; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 96; J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Sarawak Mus. J. 50, (‘1996’, 1998) 154; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 89; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes mapuluensis J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Blumea 35, (1990) 265; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 59; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 104; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 94; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes maryae Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 61, (2016) 60. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees, Ann. Sci. Nat. 3 (1824) 369; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 325, partim; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17, (1991) 29, f. 14 & 15; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 61; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 97; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes celebica Hook.f. in A. DC., Prodr. 17 (1873) 100. – Nepenthes curtisii Mast., Gard. Chron. 2 (1887) 681, t. 13. – Nepenthes curtisii var. superba Hort. Veitch ex Marshall, Gard. Chron. Ill, 14 (1893) 756. – Nepenthes maxima var. superba (Hort. Veitch ex Marshall) Veitch, J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 21 (1897) 238; Mast., Gard. Chron. Ill, 38 (1905) 379 – Nepenthes oblanceolata Ridl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London,Bot. II, 9 (1916) 140; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1940) 344. – Nepenthes maxima var. minor Macfarl. in Gibbs, Contr. Phytogeog. & Flora Arfak Mountains (1917) 141. – Nepenthes boschiana auct. non Korth.: Becc., Malesia 1 (1878) 214; 3 (1886) 3 [Nepenthes maxima var. lowii (Hook.f.) Becc., Malesia 3 (1886) 3 = Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.] [Nepenthes maxima var. sumatrana (Miq.) Becc., Malesia 3 (1886) 3 = Nepenthes sumatrana (Miq.) Beck.] Sulawesi, Maluku Islands, to New Guinea. SULAWESI, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
- Nepenthes mikei B. Salmon & Maulder, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 24, (1995) 82; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 100; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 50; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes sp. Hopkins, B. Salmon & Maulder, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 19 (1990) 23. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes minima Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 61, (2016) 182. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce, Rep. Exch. CI. Br. Id. (1916) 637; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 105; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 52; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Phyllamphora mirabilis Lour., Fl. Cochin. 2, (1790) 606. – Nepenthes phyllamphora Willd., Sp. PL, ser. 4, 2, (1805) 874. – Cantharifera Rumph., Amb. 5, (1750) 121 – Nepenthes moluccensis Oken, Allg. Naturgesch. 3, 2, (1841) 1368, n.v. – Nepenthes phyllamphora var. platyphylla Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2, (1852) 7 – Nepenthes macrostachya Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2, (1852) 7 – Nepenthes fimbriata Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2, (1852) 7 – Nepenthes fimbriata var. leptostachya Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2, (1852) 8 – Nepenthes kennedyana F. Muell.,Fragm. 5, pt. 37, (1866) 154 – Nepenthes kennedyi Benth., Fl. Austr. 6, (1873) 40, sphalm. – Nepenthes echinostoma Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 95 – Nepenthes mirabilis var. echinostoma J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Mai. Nat. J. 46, (1992) 81 – Nepenthes phyllamphora var. macrantha Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 97 – Nepenthes bernaysii F.M. Bailey, Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW 5 (1881) 185 – Nepenthes obrieniana Linden & Rodigas, 111. Hort. 37, (1890) 109 (as ‘o’brieniana’). – Nepenthes jardinei F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 1, (1897) 230 – Nepenthes rowanae F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 1, (1897) 231 – Nepenthes albolineata F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 3, 5, (1898) 355 (as ‘albo-lineata’) – Nepenthes moorei F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 3,5 (1898) 355 – Nepenthes alicae F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 3, 5, (1898) 356 – Nepenthes cholmondeleyi F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 7, 5, (1900) 441 59 – Nepenthes pascoensis F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 16, 2, (1905) 190 – Nepenthes armbrustae F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 16, 2, (1905) 191 – Nepenthes garrawayae F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 16, 2, (1905) 191 – Nepenthes tubulosa Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 60 – Nepenthes beccariana Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 67 – Nepenthes phyllamphora var. pediculata Lecomte, Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 5 (1910) 52 – Nepenthes mirabilis var. biflora J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Mai. Nat. J. 46 (1992) 80 – Nepenthes phyllamphora auct. non Willd.: Sims, Bot. Mag. (1826) 2629 – Nepenthes distillatoria auct. non L.: Steud., Nom. ed. 2, 2, (1841) 190 – Nepenthes phyllamphora auct. non Willd.: Regel, Gartenfl. (1881) 371 = p.p. – Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. – Nepenthes phyllamphora auct. non Willd.: Stapf, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. II, 4, (1894) 217 = Nepenthes burbidgeae Hook.f. ex Burb. Thailand to Australia and Oceania, except Northern Philippines and Lesser Sunda Islands. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
- Nepenthes misoolensis Golos, S.McPherson, Primaldhi, Suska & Tjiasm., In McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume Two (2022) 539. Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
- Nepenthes mollis Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 338; A.S.Rob. & Golos, Phytotaxa 392, 2, (2019) 119 – Nepenthes hurrelliana Cheek & A.L.Lamb in Cheek et al., Sabah Parks Nature Journal 6, (2003) 118 – Nepenthes fusca × N. veitchii in Phillipps & Lamb, Nature Malaysiana 13, 4, (1988) 26. – Nepenthes sp. in Phillipps & Lamb, Pitcher-Plants of Borneo (1996) 150; and Salmon Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 28, 1, (1999) 24. – Nepenthes sp. B in Clarke,Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 142; Steiner, Borneo: Its Mountains and Lowlands with their Pitcher Plants (2002) 110. Endemic to Borneo, start from Sarawak, Brunei, Southern Sabah, to North-Central Kalimantan. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes monticola A.S.Rob., Wistuba, Nerz, M.Mansur & S.McPherson, In McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume One (2011) 543. Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
- Nepenthes naga Akhriadi, Hernawati, Primaldhi & Hambali, Reinwardtia 12, (2009) 340; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes neoguineensis Macfarl., Nova Guinea 8, (1910) 340; Danser. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 341; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17, (1991) 36; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 68; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 112; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes neoguineensis auct. non Macfarl.: Ridl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. II, 9, (1916) 139 = Nepenthes papuana Danser. Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
- Nepenthes nigra Nerz, Wistuba, Chi.C.Lee, Bourke, U.Zimm. & S.McPherson, in McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume One (2011) 469. – Nepenthes dentata Sh.Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 11, nom. nud.; Gard. Bull. Sing. 36, (1984) 197 = Nepenthes hamata J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton – Nepenthes sp. Sulawesi McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes ovata Nerz & Wistuba, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 23, (1994) 108; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 115; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 54; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes sp. Hopkins, Maulder & B. Salmon, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 19, (1990) 21 & 25. – Nepenthes pectinata auct. non Danser: Kondo & Kondo, Camiv. PI. World (1976?) 113. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes paniculata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 344; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17, (1991) 38; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 70; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 116; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
- Nepenthes papuana Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 346; Jebb. Science in New Guinea 17, (1991) 40,; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42. (1997) 71; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 117; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
- Nepenthes pectinata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 350; Blumea 42, (1997) 71; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 118; Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA. Photos
- Nepenthes pilosa Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 355, f. 19; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Nature Malaysiana 13, 4 (1988) 25; Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 121; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42 (1997) 74; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 114; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 124; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes pitopangii Chi.C. Lee, S. McPherson, G. Bourke & M. Mansur, Gard. Bull. Sing. 61, 1, (2009) 95; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes pudica Dančák & Majeský, PhytoKeys 201, (2022) 79. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes putaiguneung Al Farishy, Metusala & Jebb, Phytotaxa 454, (2020) 289; Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA. Photos
- Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack, Mai. Misc. ex Hook.f., Comp. Bot. Mag. 1 (1835) 270; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 125; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 56; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes raflesea Hort., Rev. Hortic. (1869) 130. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. nivea Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 97. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. glaberrima Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 97. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. insignis Mast., Gard. Chron. II, 18, (1882) 424. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. nigro-purpurea Mast., Gard. Chron. II, 18, (1882) 424 (as Nepenthes nigro-purpurea sphalm.). – Nepenthes hookeriana H. Low ex Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 3. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. minor Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 3. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. typica Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 146. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. ambigua Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 147. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. elongata Hort., Kew Bull. (1897) 405. – Nepenthes sanderiana Burb., Flora & Sylva II (1904) 113. – Nepenthes hemsleyana Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 61. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. alata J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Mai. Nat. J. 44, (1990) 32. – Nepenthes hookeriana auct. non Lindl.: H. Low, Sarawak (1848) 68. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. hookeriana (Lindl.) Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 147. – Nepenthes rafflesiana auct. non Jack: H. Low, Sarawak (1848) 68 = Nepenthes hookeriana Lindl [Nepenthes rafflesiana var. excelsior (Lindl.) Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20 (1895) 147. – Nepenthes × excelsior B.S. Williams, Garden Lond. 28, (1885) 463 = Nepenthes hookeriana Lindl.]. [Nepenthes rafflesiana var. longicirrhosa auct. non: Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 93, f. 3 = Nepenthes sumatrana (Miq.) Beck.]. Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Kalimantan. SUMATRA. KALIMANTAN. Photos
- Nepenthes reinwardtiana Miq., PI. Jungh. (1852) 168; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 129; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 58; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes reinwardtii Hook.f., Trans. Linn. Soc. 22 (1859) 422, sphalm. – Nepenthes reinwardtiana var. samarindaiensis J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Edinb. J. Bot. 50, (1993) 103. Native to Sumatra and Borneo. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN. Photos
- Nepenthes rhombicaulis Sh. Kurata, The Heredity 26, 10 (1972) 44, nomen.; Gard. Bull. Sing. 26 (1973) 229; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 131; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 60; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes rigidifolia Akhriadi, Hernawati & Tamin, Reinwardtia (2004); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 62; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes singalana Becc., Malesia 3 (1886) 4 & 12; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 135; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 64; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes junghuhnii Macfarl. ex Ridl., J. Fed. Mai. St. Mus. 8, 4, (1917) 79. – Nepenthes sanguinea auct. non Lindl.; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 185 – Nepenthes singalana auct. non Becc.; Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 47, p.p. = Nepenthes gracillima; nec Macfarl., J. As. Soc. Beng. 75, 3, (1914) 282 = Nepenthes gracillima Ridl. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes spathulata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1935) 465; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 136; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 66; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes dempoensis Hopkins, Maulder & B.Salmon, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 19, (1990) 20, nom. nud. – Nepenthes adrianii Batoro, Wartono & Jebb, Trubus Info Kit: Nepenthes 5, (2006) 104, nom. nud. Native to Sumatra and Java. SUMATRA, JAVA.
- Nepenthes spectabilis Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 373; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 139; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 68; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes stenophylla Mast., Gard. Chron. Ill, 8 (1890) 240; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 376; Sh. Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976); Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 136; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42 (1997) 82; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 127; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 140; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes boschiana var. lowii Hook. f. in A. DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 98. – Nepenthes maxima var. lowii (Hook.f.) Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 3, 10. – Nepenthes fallax Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 191 – Nepenthes fusca var. apoensis J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Kew Bull. ined. – Nepenthes sandakanensis J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Sarawak Mus. J. 50, (‘1996’, 1998) 156 – Nepenthes sandakanensis var. eglandulosa J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Sarawak Mus. J. 50, (‘ 1996’, 1998) 158 – Nepenthes sandakanensis var. ferruginea J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Sarawak Mus. J. 50, (‘1996’, 1998) 158 – Nepenthes boschiana auct. non Korth.: Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 71. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes sumatrana (Miq.) Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20 (1895) 149; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 142; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 70; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes boschiana var. sumatrana Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 6, (1858) 1074. – Nepenthes maxima var. sumatrana (Miq.) Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 3. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. longicirrhosa Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 93, nom. nud. – Nepenthes spinosa Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 103, nom. nud. – Nepenthes boschiana auct. non Korth.: Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. Suppl. (1860) 151. – Nepenthes treubiana auct. non Warb.: Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 69. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes talangensis Nerz & Wistuba, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. (1994) 101; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 72; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes taminii Akhriadi, Tjiasm., Primaldhi, M.Hambali, Golos & S.McPherson, In McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume Two (2022) 521. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes tentaculata Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17 (1873) 101; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 379; Sh. Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 69; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 138; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 85; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 129; J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Sarawak Mus. J. 50 (‘1996’, 1998) 161; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 143; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes tentaculata var. imberbis Becc., Malesia 3 (1886) 13 Nepenthes tentaculata var. tomentosa Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 43. Native to Borneo and Sulawesi. KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes tenuis Nerz & Wistuba, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. (1994) 103; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 74; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes tobaica Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 382; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 145; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 76; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes tomoriana Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 384; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 8; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 146; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes treubiana Warb. in Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 13, (1891) 318; Boerl., Handl. 3, 1, (1900) 54; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17, (1991) 43; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 87; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 149; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes treubiana auct. non Warb.: Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 69; nec Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 387, f. 25, p.p. = Nepenthes sumatrana (Miq.) Beck. Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
- Nepenthes undulatifolia Nerz, Wistuba, U.Zimm., Chi.C.Lee, Pirade & Pitopang, in McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume One (2011) 493. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
- Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f., Trans. Linn. Soc. 22 (1859) 421; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 391; Phillipps & A. L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 144; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 89; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 131; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 152; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes weda Cheek, Blumea 59, (2015) 221. Endemic to Halmahera. MALUKU.
- Nepenthes xiphioides B. Salmon & Maulder, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 24, (1995) 78; Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
Natural Hybrids
- Nepenthes × hookeriana Lindl., Gard. Chron. (1848) 87, nomen; Mast., Gard. Chron. (1881) 81; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 80 – Nepenthes loddigesii W. Baxter, Suppl, Hort. Brit. 3 (1850) 593; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 227 – Nepenthes hookeri Alphand ex Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17 (1873) 96 (in syn. – Nepenthes rafflesiana). – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. hookeriana (Lindl.) Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 147. – Nepenthes rafflesiana auct. non Jack: H. Low, Sarawak (1848) 68. – [Nepenthes hookeriana auct. non Lindl.: H. Low, Sarawak (1848) 68 = Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack.]. Naturally distributed alongside with parental species N. ampullaria and N. rafflesiana in Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Kalimantan. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN.
- Nepenthes × sharifah-hapsahii Adam & Hafiza, Internat. J. Bot. 3 (2007) 72; ?McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009) – Nepenthes ghazallyana Adam, Wilcock & Swaine, J.Trop.Forest Sci.5 (1992) 22 nom. nud. – Nepenthes grabilis Hort.Westphal, Carniv. Bestandsl. (1991) 3 nom. nud. – ?Nepenthes neglecta Macfarl. (ex Icon. Beccarii) in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 58; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 29 – Nepenthes neglecta auct. non Macfarl.: Y.Fukatsu, List of Nepenthes Hybr. (1999) 55. Naturally distributed alongside with parental species N. gracilis and N. mirabilis, first published in Campus Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Peninsular Malaysia. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN
- Nepenthes × pyriformis Kurata, J. Insectiv .Pl. Soc.52 (2001) 30; – Nepenthes dubia auct. non Danser: Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 37 – Nepenthes dubia auct. non Danser; Sh.Kurata, Heredity 26: (1972) 51. Naturally distributed alongside with parental species N. inermis and N. talangenis in Gunung Talang, West Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Nepenthes × trichocarpa Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1 (1858) 1072; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 151 – Nepenthes trichocarpa var. erythrosticta Miq., J. Bot. Neerl. 1, 3, (1862) 276. aturally distributed alongside with parental species N. ampullaria and N. gracilis Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN.
- Adam, J.H. & H.A. Hamid (2007) Pitcher plant (Nepenthaceae) recorded from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia. International Journal of Botany 3 (1): 71–77.
- Akhriadi, P., Hernawati, Primaldhi, A. & Hambali, I. (2009) Nepenthes naga, a new species of Nepenthaceae from Bukit Barisan of Sumatra. Reinwardtia 12: 339–342.
- Akhriadi P, Hernawati dan R Tamin. 2004. A new species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from Sumatra. Reinwardtia 12 (2), 141-144.
- Bianchi, A., Lee C.C., Golos, M.R., Mey F.S., Mansur, M., Mambrassar Y.M. & Robinson A.S. (2020) Nepenthes diabolica (Nepenthaceae), a new species of toothed pitcher plant from Central Sulawesi. Phytotaxa 464 (1): 29–48.
- Cheek, M. (2015) Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) of Halmahera, Indonesia. Blumea 59: 215–225.
- Cheek, M. & Jebb, M. (2001) Nepenthaceae. Flora Malesiana Series I: Spermatophyta, vol. 15. The Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden, 161.
- Cheek, M. & Jebb, M. (2016a) A new section in Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) and a new species from Sulawesi. Blumea 61(1): 59–62.
- Cheek, M. & Jebb, M. (2016b) Nepenthes minima (Nepenthaceae), a new pyrophytic grassland species from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Blumea 61(3): 181–185.
- Cheek, M., Jebb, M., Murphy, B. & Mambor, F. (2018) Nepenthes section Insignes in Indonesia, with two new species. Blumea 62(3): 174–178.
- Clarke, C. (1997) Nepenthes of Borneo. Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu, 207.
- Clarke, C. (2001) Nepenthes of Sumatra dan Peninsular Malaysia. Natural History Publications, Kota Kinabalu, 326.
- Clarke, C., C.C. Lee & S.R. McPherson (2006) Nepenthes chaniana (Nepenthaceae), a new species from north-western Borneo. Sabah Parks Nature Journal 7: 53–66
- Clarke, C., T. Davis & R. Tamin. (2003) Nepenthes izumiae (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Sumatra. Blumea 48: 179–182.
- Dančák,M., Ľ. Majeský, V. Čermák, M.R. Golos, B.J. Płachno & W. Tjiasmanto. 2022. First record of functional underground traps in a pitcher plant: Nepenthes pudica (Nepenthaceae), a new species from North Kalimantan, Borneo. PhytoKeys 201: 77–97.
- Golos, M.R., Robinson, A.S., Barer, M., Dancak, M., Witte, J.D. Limberg, A., Sapawi, N.B.M. & Tjiasmanto, W. (2020) Nepenthes fractiflexa (Nepenthaceae), a new Bornean pitcher plant exhibiting concaulescent metatopy and a high degree of axillary bud activation. Phytotaxa 432 (2): 125–143.
- Hernawati & Akhriadi, P. (2006) A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra. PILI publisher, Bogor, 153.
- Hernawati, EA Zuhud, LB Prasetyo & R. Soekmadi. (2022). Synopsis of Sumatran Nepenthes (Indonesia). Biodiversitas 23(8): 4243-4255.
- Lee C.C, Hernawati and P Akhriadi. 2006. Two new species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from North Sumatra. Blumea 51(3): 561–568.
- Lee C.C, SR Mcpherson, G Bourke and M Mansur. 2009. – Nepenthes pitopangii (Nepenthaceae), A new species from Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore 61(1): 95–99.
- Lee C.C, A Wistuba, J Nerz, U Zimmermann, AP Paserang and R Pitopang. 2011. – Nepenthes undulatifolia, A New Pitcher Plant from South East Sulawesi. in McPherson, S.R. (Ed.) New Nepenthes: Volume One. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole, 596
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- Metusala, D., D.D. Al Farishy & M. Jebb (2020). – Nepenthes putaiguneung Nepenthaceae). a new species from highland of Sumatra. Phytotaxa 45 (4): 285–292.
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