1. Nepenthes adnata Tamin & M. Hotta ex Schlauer in Schlauer & Nerz, Blumea 39, (1994) 141; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 28; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 16; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  2. Nepenthes albomarginata T. Lobb ex Lindl., Gard. Chron. (1849) 580; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 31; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 18; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes laevis C. Morren (non Nepenthes laevis Lindl. = Nepenthes gracilis), Belg. Hort. 2, (1852) 234. – Nepenthes tomentella Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1, (1858) 1075; Sumatra, Seine Pflanzenwelt (1862) 151; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20 (1895) 191 (as a variety of Nepenthes albomarginata). – Nepenthes albomarginata var. villosa Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 103. – Nepenthes albomarginata var. typica Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 191, nom. inval. – Nepenthes albomarginata var. rubra Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 38. – Nepenthes albocincta var. rubra Hort. ex Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 38, nomen. – Nepenthes albocincta Hort. ex Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 38, nomen. Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN.
  3. Nepenthes ampullaria Jack, Comp. Bot. Mag. (1835) 271; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 33; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 20; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes ampullaceae H. Low, Sarawak (1848) 69, nomen. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. guttata Moore, Gard. Chron. (1872) 360. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. vittata major Mast., Gard. Chron. (1872) 542; Andre, Ill.Hort. 24, (1877) 45. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. vittata Andre, 111. Hort. 24, (1877) 272; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 150. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. geelvinkiana Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 8. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. longicarpa Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 8. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. microsepala Macfarl., Nova Guinea 8, (1910) 340. – Nepenthes ampullaria var. racemosa J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Mai. Nat. J. 44, (1991) 29. – Nepenthes ampullaria auct. non Jack: Jeann., Nouv. Caled. Agric. (1894) 92 (= Nepenthes vieillardii Hook.f.). Thailand, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Kalimantan, New Guinea. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
  4. Nepenthes angasanensis Maulder, Schub., Salmon & Quinn, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 28, (1999) 15; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 22; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  5. Nepenthes aristolochioides Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 22; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 36; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 24; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA. Photos
  6. Nepenthes biak Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 62, (2018) 175 Endemic to Biak Island, New Guinea. PAPUA.
  7. Nepenthes bicalcarata Hook.f., in A.DC, Prodr. 17, (1873) 97; Becc, Malesia 2, (1886) 231; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 270; Sh. Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 37; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 70; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 24; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 68; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 41; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes dyak S. Moore, J. Bot. 18 (1880) 1; Burb., Gard. Chron. 1, (1882) 56; Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 1. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  8. Nepenthes bongso Korth., Kruidkunde, in Temminck, Verh. Nat. Gesch. (1840) 19; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 42; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 26; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes carunculata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 277; Sh. Kurata, Gard. Bull. Sing. 26, (1973) 227. – Nepenthes carunculata var. robusta Nerz & Wistuba, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 23 (1995) 111. – Nepenthes bongso auct. non Korth.: Ridl., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 38, (1908) 320 (= Nepenthes gracillima Ridl.). – Nepenthes bongso auct. non Korth.: Guill., Ann. Mus. Col. Mars. ser. 2, 9, (1911) 211 (= Nepenthes vieillardii Hook.f.). – Nepenthes bongso auct. non Korth.: Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 83 (p.p. = Nepenthes bongso Korth., Nepenthes dubia Danser & Nepenthes inermis Danser). Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  9. Nepenthes boschiana Korth., Kruidkunde, in Temminck, Verh. Nat. Gesch. (1840) 25, t. 2,4: 39-54; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 275; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 27; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 71; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 44; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes borneensis J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Gard. Bull. Sing. 42 (1990) 26; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 26; syn. nov. – Nepenthes boschiana auct. non Korth.: Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17 (1873) 98 (p.p. = Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.). – Nepenthes maxima auct. non Reinw. ex Nees: Becc., Malesia 1 (1878) 214; 3 (1886) 3 & 9. – Nepenthes boschiana auct. non Korth.: Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 71 (p.p. = Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.). Endemic to Southern Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  10. Nepenthes campanulata Sh.Kurata, Gard. Bull. Sing. 26 (1973) 227; The Heredity 26, 10 (1972) 44 & 50, nomen; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 78; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 29; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 76; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 48; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  11. Nepenthes chaniana C.Clarke, Chi C.Lee & S.McPherson, Sabah Parks Nature J. 7, (2006) 56; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009).; Golos et al., Phytotaxa 432, 2, (2020) 135. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  12. Nepenthes clipeata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 281; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 80; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 30; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 78; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 49; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  13. Nepenthes dactylifera A.S.Rob., Golos, S.McPherson & Barer, Phytotaxa 392, (2019) 110. – Nepenthes sp. [“undescribed species collected from the Mulu area”] in Phillipps & Lamb (1988: 8, 1 fig.). – Nepenthes sp. A in Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 141; Steiner, Borneo: Its Mountains and Lowlands with their Pitcher Plants (2002) 112. – Nepenthes fusca auct. non Danser in Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 41; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 64; Phillipps et al. Pitcher Plants of Borneo, 2nd ed (2008) 121; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009) 346. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  14. Nepenthes danseri Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 30; Nepenthes sp. in Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17 (1991)47; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 51; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic from Halmahera to Waigeo Island. MALUKU, PAPUA.
  15. Nepenthes densiflora Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1940) 268; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 53; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 28; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes bongso × N. pectinata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 16, (1928) 274. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  16. Nepenthes diabolica A.Bianchi, Chi.C.Lee., Golos, Mey, M.Mansur & A.S.Rob., Phytotaxa 464, 1, (2020) 32 Nepenthes hamata sensu McPherson Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009) 1001; sensu McPherson & Robinson (2012) 15. “Nepenthes ronchinii” ined. in Bianchi, Unpublished B.Sc. thesis (2016) 13 Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
  17. Nepenthes diatas Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 33; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 54; Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 30; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  18. Nepenthes dubia Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 285: Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 36; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 56; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 32; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes bongso auct. non Korth.: Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 83, partim. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  19. Nepenthes ephippiata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 286; 426; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 85; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 38; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 83; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 59; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  20. Nepenthes epiphytica A.S.Rob., Nerz & Wistuba, In McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume One (2011) 36. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  21. Nepenthes eustachya Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1 (1858) 1074, suppl. 151; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 60; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 34; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  22. Nepenthes eymae Sh. Kurata, J. Insect. PI. Soc. (Japan) 35, 2 (6 Feb. 1984) 41 (as ‘eymai’); Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 39; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 60; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes infundibuliformis J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton, Reinwardtia 10, 2 (10 Feb. 1984) 110. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
  23. Nepenthes flava Wistuba, Nerz & A.Fleischm, Blumea 52, (2007) 159; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  24. Nepenthes fractiflexa Golos, A.S.Rob. & Barer, Phytotaxa 432, 2, (2020) 127. – Nepenthes hurrelliana auct. non Cheek & A.L.Lamb in Lee 15, (2004) 98; Phillipps et al., Pitcher Plants of Borneo, 2nd ed. (2008) 144. – Nepenthes sp. Bagong in Robinson et al., Phytotaxa 392, 2, (2019) 100. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  25. Nepenthes fusca Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 288, p.p.; A.S.Rob & Golos, Phytotaxa 392, (2019) 110 – Nepenthes veitchii? auct. non Hook.f. [Endert (1927) 277]. Other concept to be excluded: Nepenthes fusca Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 48; Phillipps & Lamb. Nature Malaysiana 13, 4, (1988) 24; Phillipps & Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 87; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 87 = N. fusca Danser & N. zakriana (J.H.Adam & Wilcock) J.H.Adam & Hafiza. – Nepenthes fusca Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 41; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 64, Phillipps et al. Pitcher Plants of Borneo, 2nd ed (2008) 121; and McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009) 346 = N. dactylifera A.S.Rob., Golos, S.McPherson & Barer. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  26. Nepenthes glabrata J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton, Reinwardtia 10, 2 (10 Feb. 1984) 107 (as ‘glabratus’); Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 41; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 66; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes rubromaculata Sh. Kurata (non Nepenthes × rubromaculata Veitch ex Wilson, Gard. Chron. II, 8 (1891)441), J. Insect. PI. Soc. (Japan) 35 (6 Feb. 1984) 42. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
  27. Nepenthes gracilis Korth., Kruidkunde, in Temminck, Verh. Nat. Gesch. (1840) 22; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 67; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra. Endemic to Sumatra (2006) 36; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes laevis Lindl. (non Nepenthes laevis C. Morren = Nepenthes albomarginata), Gard. Chron. (1848) 655. – Nepenthes gracilis var. elongata Blume,Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2, (1852) 10. – Nepenthes korthalsiana Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1, (1858) 1071. – Nepenthes teysmanniana Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1,1, (1858) 1073. – Nepenthes gracilis var. teysmanniana (Miq.) Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 190. – Nepenthes tupmanniana Bonstedt, Parey Blumeng. 1, (1931) 663. – Nepenthes laevis Korth. ex Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 104; in syn. – Nepenthes angustifolia Mast., Gard. Chron. 2, (1881) 524. – Nepenthes gracilis var. longinodis Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 190, as Nepenthes longinodis. – Nepenthes gracilis var. arenaria Ridl. ex Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 59. – Nepenthes distillatoria auct. non L.: Jack, Comp. Bot. Mag. 1, (1835) 271. Thailand, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Kalimantan, Sulawesi. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI. Photos
  28. Nepenthes gymnamphora Nees, Ann. Sci. Nat. 3 (1824) 366; Blume, Enum. PI. Javae (1827) 85; Korth., Verh. Nat. Gesch. (1840) 32; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 300, partim; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 45; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 72; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 38; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes melamphora Reinw. ex Blume, Cat. Gew. Buitenzorg (1823) 111, nomen; Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 8. – Nepenthes gymnamphora var. haematamphora Miq., PI. Jungh. 1 (1852) 169; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 186; Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 57 – Nepenthes melamphora var. haematamphora (Miq.) Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1 (1858) 1073. – Nepenthes gymnamphora auct. non Nees: Miq., PL Jungh. 2, (1852) 169. – ?Nepenthes melamphora var. lucida Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 (1852) 8; Becc, Malesia 3, (1886) 5; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20 (1895) 186. – Nepenthes phyllamphora auct. non Willd.: Reinw. ex Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1, (1858) 1073. – Nepenthes melamphora auct. non Blume: Fern.-Vill., Fl. Filip. Nov. App. (1880) 173 = Nepenthes alata Blanco – Nepenthes melamphora var. tomentella Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 13. – Nepenthes melamphora var. pubescens Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 2, (1891) 562. – Nepenthes rafflesiana auct. non Jack: Haberle, Bot. Tropenr. (1893) 227. [Nepenthes melamphora var. tomentella Becc., Malesia 3 (1886) 13 = Nepenthes pectinata Danser.]. – Nepenthes rosulata Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 95, nom. nud. – Endemic to Java. JAVA.
  29. Nepenthes halmahera Cheek, Blumea 59, (2015) 217. Endemic to Halmahera Island. MALUKU.
  30. Nepenthes hamata J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton, Reinwardtia 10, 2 (10 Feb. 1984) 108 (as ‘hamatus’); Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 46; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 74; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes dentata Sh. Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 11, nom. nud.; Gard. Bull. Sing. 36 (1984) 197. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
  31. Nepenthes harauensis Hernawati, R.Satria & Chi.C.Lee, Reinwardtia 21, 1 (2022) 20; Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  32. Nepenthes hirsuta Hook.f. in A.DC, Prodr. 17 (1873) 99; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 306; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Nature Malaysiana 13, 4, (1988) 16; Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 92; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 47; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 93; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 76; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes hirsuta var. glabrata Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 50. – Nepenthes hirsuta var. typica Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 50, inval. – Nepenthes leptochila Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 319; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 97. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  33. Nepenthes hispida Beck, Wiener III. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 187; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 48; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 94; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 78; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes hirsuta auct. non Hook.f.: Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 59; M. Hotta, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 22, (1966) 7. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  34. Nepenthes inermis Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 312; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 81; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 40; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes bongso auct. non Korth.: Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 83. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  35. Nepenthes insignis Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 314, f. 11; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17 (1991) 24, f. 10; Rischer, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 24 (1995) 75; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 52; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 83; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic from main island New Guinea to Biak Island. PAPUA.
  36. Nepenthes izumiae Troy Davis, C.Clarke & Tamin, Blumea 48, (2003) 180; Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra. Endemic to Sumatra (2006) 42; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  37. Nepenthes jacquelineae C.Clarke, Troy Davis & Tamin, Nepenthes of Sumatra & Penins. Malaysia (2001) 146; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra. Endemic to Sumatra (2006) 44; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  38. Nepenthes jamban Chi C.Lee, Hernawati & Akhriadi, Blumea 51, (2006) 562; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  39. Nepenthes klosii Ridl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. II, 9 (1916) 140; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 317; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17 (1991) 26; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 54; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 84; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
  40. Nepenthes lamii (Jebb & Cheek) A.S.Rob., Wistuba, Nerz, M.Mansur & S. McPherson, Nepenthes vieillardii auct. non Hook.f.: Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 393; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17 (1991) 45 Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
  41. Nepenthes lavicola Wistuba & Rischer, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 25, (1996) 106; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 86; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 46; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  42. Nepenthes lingulata Chi C.Lee, Hernawati & Akhriadi, Blumea 51, (2006) 562; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  43. Nepenthes longifolia Nerz & Wistuba, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 23, (1994) 105; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 48; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  44. Nepenthes longiptera Victoriano, Reinwardtia 20, 1, (2021) 18; Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  45. Nepenthes lowii Hook.f., Trans. Linn. Soc. 22 (1859) 420; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 321; Sh. Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 53; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Nature Malaysiana 13, 4, (1988) 19, 20; Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 98; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42 (1997) 55; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 96; J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Sarawak Mus. J. 50, (‘1996’, 1998) 154; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 89; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  46. Nepenthes mapuluensis J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Blumea 35, (1990) 265; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 59; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 104; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 94; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  47. Nepenthes maryae Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 61, (2016) 60. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
  48. Nepenthes maxima Reinw. ex Nees, Ann. Sci. Nat. 3 (1824) 369; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 325, partim; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17, (1991) 29, f. 14 & 15; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 61; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 97; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes celebica Hook.f. in A. DC., Prodr. 17 (1873) 100. – Nepenthes curtisii Mast., Gard. Chron. 2 (1887) 681, t. 13. – Nepenthes curtisii var. superba Hort. Veitch ex Marshall, Gard. Chron. Ill, 14 (1893) 756. – Nepenthes maxima var. superba (Hort. Veitch ex Marshall) Veitch, J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 21 (1897) 238; Mast., Gard. Chron. Ill, 38 (1905) 379 – Nepenthes oblanceolata Ridl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London,Bot. II, 9 (1916) 140; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1940) 344. – Nepenthes maxima var. minor Macfarl. in Gibbs, Contr. Phytogeog. & Flora Arfak Mountains (1917) 141. – Nepenthes boschiana auct. non Korth.: Becc., Malesia 1 (1878) 214; 3 (1886) 3 [Nepenthes maxima var. lowii (Hook.f.) Becc., Malesia 3 (1886) 3 = Nepenthes stenophylla Mast.] [Nepenthes maxima var. sumatrana (Miq.) Becc., Malesia 3 (1886) 3 = Nepenthes sumatrana (Miq.) Beck.] Sulawesi, Maluku Islands, to New Guinea. SULAWESI, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
  49. Nepenthes mikei B. Salmon & Maulder, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 24, (1995) 82; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 100; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 50; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes sp. Hopkins, B. Salmon & Maulder, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 19 (1990) 23. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  50. Nepenthes minima Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 61, (2016) 182. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
  51. Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce, Rep. Exch. CI. Br. Id. (1916) 637; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 105; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 52; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Phyllamphora mirabilis Lour., Fl. Cochin. 2, (1790) 606. – Nepenthes phyllamphora Willd., Sp. PL, ser. 4, 2, (1805) 874. – Cantharifera Rumph., Amb. 5, (1750) 121 – Nepenthes moluccensis Oken, Allg. Naturgesch. 3, 2, (1841) 1368, n.v. – Nepenthes phyllamphora var. platyphylla Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2, (1852) 7 – Nepenthes macrostachya Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2, (1852) 7 – Nepenthes fimbriata Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2, (1852) 7 – Nepenthes fimbriata var. leptostachya Blume, Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2, (1852) 8 – Nepenthes kennedyana F. Muell.,Fragm. 5, pt. 37, (1866) 154 – Nepenthes kennedyi Benth., Fl. Austr. 6, (1873) 40, sphalm. – Nepenthes echinostoma Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 95 – Nepenthes mirabilis var. echinostoma J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Mai. Nat. J. 46, (1992) 81 – Nepenthes phyllamphora var. macrantha Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 97 – Nepenthes bernaysii F.M. Bailey, Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW 5 (1881) 185 – Nepenthes obrieniana Linden & Rodigas, 111. Hort. 37, (1890) 109 (as ‘o’brieniana’). – Nepenthes jardinei F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 1, (1897) 230 – Nepenthes rowanae F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 1, (1897) 231 – Nepenthes albolineata F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 3, 5, (1898) 355 (as ‘albo-lineata’) – Nepenthes moorei F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 3,5 (1898) 355 – Nepenthes alicae F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 3, 5, (1898) 356 – Nepenthes cholmondeleyi F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 7, 5, (1900) 441 59 – Nepenthes pascoensis F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 16, 2, (1905) 190 – Nepenthes armbrustae F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 16, 2, (1905) 191 – Nepenthes garrawayae F.M. Bailey, Qld. Agric. J. 16, 2, (1905) 191 – Nepenthes tubulosa Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 60 – Nepenthes beccariana Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 67 – Nepenthes phyllamphora var. pediculata Lecomte, Fl. Gen. Indo-Chine 5 (1910) 52 – Nepenthes mirabilis var. biflora J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Mai. Nat. J. 46 (1992) 80 – Nepenthes phyllamphora auct. non Willd.: Sims, Bot. Mag. (1826) 2629 – Nepenthes distillatoria auct. non L.: Steud., Nom. ed. 2, 2, (1841) 190 – Nepenthes phyllamphora auct. non Willd.: Regel, Gartenfl. (1881) 371 = p.p. – Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. – Nepenthes phyllamphora auct. non Willd.: Stapf, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. II, 4, (1894) 217 = Nepenthes burbidgeae Hook.f. ex Burb. Thailand to Australia and Oceania, except Northern Philippines and Lesser Sunda Islands. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
  52. Nepenthes misoolensis Golos, S.McPherson, Primaldhi, Suska & Tjiasm., In McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume Two (2022) 539. Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
  53. Nepenthes mollis Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 338; A.S.Rob. & Golos, Phytotaxa 392, 2, (2019) 119 – Nepenthes hurrelliana Cheek & A.L.Lamb in Cheek et al., Sabah Parks Nature Journal 6, (2003) 118 – Nepenthes fusca × N. veitchii in Phillipps & Lamb, Nature Malaysiana 13, 4, (1988) 26. – Nepenthes sp. in Phillipps & Lamb, Pitcher-Plants of Borneo (1996) 150; and Salmon Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 28, 1, (1999) 24. – Nepenthes sp. B in Clarke,Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 142; Steiner, Borneo: Its Mountains and Lowlands with their Pitcher Plants (2002) 110. Endemic to Borneo, start from Sarawak, Brunei, Southern Sabah, to North-Central Kalimantan. KALIMANTAN.
  54. Nepenthes monticola A.S.Rob., Wistuba, Nerz, M.Mansur & S.McPherson, In McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume One (2011) 543. Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
  55. Nepenthes naga Akhriadi, Hernawati, Primaldhi & Hambali, Reinwardtia 12, (2009) 340; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  56. Nepenthes neoguineensis Macfarl., Nova Guinea 8, (1910) 340; Danser. Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 341; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17, (1991) 36; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 68; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 112; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes neoguineensis auct. non Macfarl.: Ridl., Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. II, 9, (1916) 139 = Nepenthes papuana Danser. Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
  57. Nepenthes nigra Nerz, Wistuba, Chi.C.Lee, Bourke, U.Zimm. & S.McPherson, in McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume One (2011) 469. – Nepenthes dentata Sh.Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 11, nom. nud.; Gard. Bull. Sing. 36, (1984) 197 = Nepenthes hamata J.R. Turnbull & A.T. Middleton – Nepenthes sp. Sulawesi McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
  58. Nepenthes ovata Nerz & Wistuba, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 23, (1994) 108; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 115; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 54; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes sp. Hopkins, Maulder & B. Salmon, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 19, (1990) 21 & 25. – Nepenthes pectinata auct. non Danser: Kondo & Kondo, Camiv. PI. World (1976?) 113. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  59. Nepenthes paniculata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 344; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17, (1991) 38; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 70; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 116; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
  60. Nepenthes papuana Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 346; Jebb. Science in New Guinea 17, (1991) 40,; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42. (1997) 71; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 117; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
  61. Nepenthes pectinata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 350; Blumea 42, (1997) 71; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 118; Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA. Photos
  62. Nepenthes pilosa Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 355, f. 19; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Nature Malaysiana 13, 4 (1988) 25; Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 121; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42 (1997) 74; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 114; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 124; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  63. Nepenthes pitopangii Chi.C. Lee, S. McPherson, G. Bourke & M. Mansur, Gard. Bull. Sing. 61, 1, (2009) 95; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
  64. Nepenthes pudica Dančák & Majeský, PhytoKeys 201, (2022) 79. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  65. Nepenthes putaiguneung Al Farishy, Metusala & Jebb, Phytotaxa 454, (2020) 289; Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA. Photos
  66. Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack, Mai. Misc. ex Hook.f., Comp. Bot. Mag. 1 (1835) 270; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 125; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 56; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes raflesea Hort., Rev. Hortic. (1869) 130. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. nivea Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 97. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. glaberrima Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 97. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. insignis Mast., Gard. Chron. II, 18, (1882) 424. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. nigro-purpurea Mast., Gard. Chron. II, 18, (1882) 424 (as Nepenthes nigro-purpurea sphalm.). – Nepenthes hookeriana H. Low ex Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 3. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. minor Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 3. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. typica Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 146. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. ambigua Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 147. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. elongata Hort., Kew Bull. (1897) 405. – Nepenthes sanderiana Burb., Flora & Sylva II (1904) 113. – Nepenthes hemsleyana Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 61. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. alata J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Mai. Nat. J. 44, (1990) 32. – Nepenthes hookeriana auct. non Lindl.: H. Low, Sarawak (1848) 68. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. hookeriana (Lindl.) Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 147. – Nepenthes rafflesiana auct. non Jack: H. Low, Sarawak (1848) 68 = Nepenthes hookeriana Lindl [Nepenthes rafflesiana var. excelsior (Lindl.) Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20 (1895) 147. – Nepenthes × excelsior B.S. Williams, Garden Lond. 28, (1885) 463 = Nepenthes hookeriana Lindl.]. [Nepenthes rafflesiana var. longicirrhosa auct. non: Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 93, f. 3 = Nepenthes sumatrana (Miq.) Beck.]. Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Kalimantan. SUMATRA. KALIMANTAN. Photos
  67. Nepenthes reinwardtiana Miq., PI. Jungh. (1852) 168; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 129; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 58; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes reinwardtii Hook.f., Trans. Linn. Soc. 22 (1859) 422, sphalm. – Nepenthes reinwardtiana var. samarindaiensis J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Edinb. J. Bot. 50, (1993) 103. Native to Sumatra and Borneo. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN. Photos
  68. Nepenthes rhombicaulis Sh. Kurata, The Heredity 26, 10 (1972) 44, nomen.; Gard. Bull. Sing. 26 (1973) 229; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 131; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 60; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  69. Nepenthes rigidifolia Akhriadi, Hernawati & Tamin, Reinwardtia (2004); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 62; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  70. Nepenthes singalana Becc., Malesia 3 (1886) 4 & 12; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 135; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 64; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes junghuhnii Macfarl. ex Ridl., J. Fed. Mai. St. Mus. 8, 4, (1917) 79. – Nepenthes sanguinea auct. non Lindl.; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 185 – Nepenthes singalana auct. non Becc.; Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 47, p.p. = Nepenthes gracillima; nec Macfarl., J. As. Soc. Beng. 75, 3, (1914) 282 = Nepenthes gracillima Ridl. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  71. Nepenthes spathulata Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1935) 465; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 136; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 66; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes dempoensis Hopkins, Maulder & B.Salmon, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 19, (1990) 20, nom. nud. – Nepenthes adrianii Batoro, Wartono & Jebb, Trubus Info Kit: Nepenthes 5, (2006) 104, nom. nud. Native to Sumatra and Java. SUMATRA, JAVA.
  72. Nepenthes spectabilis Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 373; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 139; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 68; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  73. Nepenthes stenophylla Mast., Gard. Chron. Ill, 8 (1890) 240; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 376; Sh. Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976); Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 136; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42 (1997) 82; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 127; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 140; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes boschiana var. lowii Hook. f. in A. DC., Prodr. 17, (1873) 98. – Nepenthes maxima var. lowii (Hook.f.) Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 3, 10. – Nepenthes fallax Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 191 – Nepenthes fusca var. apoensis J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Kew Bull. ined. – Nepenthes sandakanensis J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Sarawak Mus. J. 50, (‘1996’, 1998) 156 – Nepenthes sandakanensis var. eglandulosa J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Sarawak Mus. J. 50, (‘ 1996’, 1998) 158 – Nepenthes sandakanensis var. ferruginea J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Sarawak Mus. J. 50, (‘1996’, 1998) 158 – Nepenthes boschiana auct. non Korth.: Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 71. Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  74. Nepenthes sumatrana (Miq.) Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20 (1895) 149; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 142; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 70; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. – Nepenthes boschiana var. sumatrana Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 6, (1858) 1074. – Nepenthes maxima var. sumatrana (Miq.) Becc., Malesia 3, (1886) 3. – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. longicirrhosa Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 93, nom. nud. – Nepenthes spinosa Tamin & M. Hotta in M. Hotta, Diversity and Dynamics of Plant Life in Sumatra (1986) 103, nom. nud. – Nepenthes boschiana auct. non Korth.: Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. Suppl. (1860) 151. – Nepenthes treubiana auct. non Warb.: Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 69. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  75. Nepenthes talangensis Nerz & Wistuba, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. (1994) 101; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 72; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  76. Nepenthes taminii Akhriadi, Tjiasm., Primaldhi, M.Hambali, Golos & S.McPherson, In McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume Two (2022) 521. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  77. Nepenthes tentaculata Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17 (1873) 101; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 379; Sh. Kurata, Nepenthes of Mt Kinabalu, Sabah (1976) 69; Phillipps & A.L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 138; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 85; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 129; J.H. Adam & Wilcock, Sarawak Mus. J. 50 (‘1996’, 1998) 161; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 143; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes tentaculata var. imberbis Becc., Malesia 3 (1886) 13 Nepenthes tentaculata var. tomentosa Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 43. Native to Borneo and Sulawesi. KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI.
  78. Nepenthes tenuis Nerz & Wistuba, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. (1994) 103; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 74; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  79. Nepenthes tobaica Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 382; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 145; Clarke, Nepenthes of Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia (2001); Hernawati & Akhriadi, A Field Guide to the Nepenthes of Sumatra (2006) 76; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009); Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  80. Nepenthes tomoriana Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 384; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 8; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 146; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
  81. Nepenthes treubiana Warb. in Engl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 13, (1891) 318; Boerl., Handl. 3, 1, (1900) 54; Jebb, Science in New Guinea 17, (1991) 43; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 87; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 149; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). – Nepenthes treubiana auct. non Warb.: Macfarl. in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3 (1908) 69; nec Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 387, f. 25, p.p. = Nepenthes sumatrana (Miq.) Beck. Endemic to New Guinea. PAPUA.
  82. Nepenthes undulatifolia Nerz, Wistuba, U.Zimm., Chi.C.Lee, Pirade & Pitopang, in McPherson, New Nepenthes: Volume One (2011) 493. Endemic to Sulawesi. SULAWESI.
  83. Nepenthes veitchii Hook.f., Trans. Linn. Soc. 22 (1859) 421; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 391; Phillipps & A. L. Lamb, Pitcher Plants of Borneo (1996) 144; Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 89; Clarke, Nepenthes of Borneo (1997) 131; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 152; McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009). Endemic to Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
  84. Nepenthes weda Cheek, Blumea 59, (2015) 221. Endemic to Halmahera. MALUKU.
  85. Nepenthes xiphioides B. Salmon & Maulder, Carnivorous Plant Newsl. 24, (1995) 78; Hernawati, E.A.Zuhud, L.B.Prasetyo 7 R.Soekmadi, Biodiversitas 23, 8, (2022) 4253. Endemic to Sumatra. SUMATRA.



Natural Hybrids

  1. Nepenthes × hookeriana Lindl., Gard. Chron. (1848) 87, nomen; Mast., Gard. Chron. (1881) 81; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 80 – Nepenthes loddigesii W. Baxter, Suppl, Hort. Brit. 3 (1850) 593; Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 227 – Nepenthes hookeri Alphand ex Hook.f. in A.DC., Prodr. 17 (1873) 96 (in syn. – Nepenthes rafflesiana). – Nepenthes rafflesiana var. hookeriana (Lindl.) Beck, Wiener 111. Gart.-Zeitung 20, (1895) 147. – Nepenthes rafflesiana auct. non Jack: H. Low, Sarawak (1848) 68. – [Nepenthes hookeriana auct. non Lindl.: H. Low, Sarawak (1848) 68 = Nepenthes rafflesiana Jack.]. Naturally distributed alongside with parental species N. ampullaria and N. rafflesiana in Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Kalimantan. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN.
  2. Nepenthes × sharifah-hapsahii Adam & Hafiza, Internat. J. Bot. 3 (2007) 72; ?McPherson, Pitcher Plant of the Old World 1 (2009) – Nepenthes ghazallyana Adam, Wilcock & Swaine, J.Trop.Forest Sci.5 (1992) 22 nom. nud. – Nepenthes grabilis Hort.Westphal, Carniv. Bestandsl. (1991) 3 nom. nud. – ?Nepenthes neglecta Macfarl. (ex Icon. Beccarii) in Engl., Pflanzenr. 4, 3, (1908) 58; Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 9, (1928) 29 – Nepenthes neglecta auct. non Macfarl.: Y.Fukatsu, List of Nepenthes Hybr. (1999) 55. Naturally distributed alongside with parental species N. gracilis and N. mirabilis, first published in Campus Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Peninsular Malaysia. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN
  3. Nepenthes × pyriformis Kurata, J. Insectiv .Pl. Soc.52 (2001) 30; – Nepenthes dubia auct. non Danser: Jebb & Cheek, Blumea 42, (1997) 37 – Nepenthes dubia auct. non Danser; Sh.Kurata, Heredity 26: (1972) 51. Naturally distributed alongside with parental species N. inermis and N. talangenis in Gunung Talang, West Sumatra. SUMATRA.
  4. Nepenthes × trichocarpa Miq., Fl. Ned. Ind. 1, 1 (1858) 1072; Cheek & Jebb, Fl. Males. 15, (2001) 151 – Nepenthes trichocarpa var. erythrosticta Miq., J. Bot. Neerl. 1, 3, (1862) 276. aturally distributed alongside with parental species N. ampullaria and N. gracilis Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo. SUMATRA, KALIMANTAN.

