- Achyranthes aspera L., Sp. Pl. (1753) 204; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 88. Achyranthes canescens R.Br. Prod. (1810) 417. – Achyranthes argentea Decne in Nouv. Ann. Mus. 3 (1834) 372; Span, in Linnaea 15 (1841) 345. – Achyranthes grandifolia Miq. I.e. 313; Miq. I.e. 1042. Cosmopolitan, throughout Malesia. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
- Achyranthes bidentata Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 545; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949). – Achyranthes javanica Miq. I.e. 312; Miq. I.e. 1041. Tropical Africa and Asia, in Malesia: Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Philippines, Maluku, Lesser Sunda, New Guinea. SUMATRA, JAVA, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA.
- Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. in Ann. Mus. Paris 11 (1808) 131; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 84. – Achyranthes lanata L., Sp. Pl. (1735) 204. Africa to Asia. Sumatra, Java, Philippines, Maluku, New Guinea. SUMATRA, JAVA, MALUKU, PAPUA.
- Aerva sanguinolenta (L.) Blume Bijdr. (1825) 547; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 85. – Achyranthes sanguinolenta L.f. Sp. Pl. ed. 2 (1762) 294. – Achyranthes scandens Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2 (1824) 509. – Aerva scandens Wall. Cat. (1829) 6911, nomen; Miq. I.e. 302. – Aerva timorensis Miq. I.e. 301; Miq. I.e. 1039. India to China and Malesia. JAVA, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU. Photos
ALLMANIA R.Br. ex Wight
- Allmania nodiflora (L.) R.Br, in Wall. Cat. (1832) 6890, nomen; Hook.f. Fl. Br. Ind. 4 (1885) 716; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 74. – Celosia nodiflora L., Sp.PL. (1753) 205. – Allmania albida R. BR. in Wall. Cat. 6981 (1832) nomen. – Allmania esculenta R.Br, in Wall. I.e. 6892. – Chamissoa brownei Steud. Nom. ed. 2 (1841) 344. – Chamissoa javanica Hassk. Fl. Jav. Rar. (1848) 434. – Chamissoa albida Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 248. – Chamissoa esculenta Miq. I.e. 249. – Chamissoa nodiflora Mart, ex Miq. I.E.; Hassk. in PI. Jungh. (1852) 129. – Chamissoa pyramidalis Miq. 1 I.e. 248. – Allmania pyramidalis KOORD. Exk. Fl. 2 (1912) 195. Tropical Asia to Central Malesia. SUMATRA, JAVA, NUSA TENGGARA.
- Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br, ex R. & S. Syst 5 (1819) 554; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 92. – Gomphrena sessilis L., Sp. Pl. (1753) 225. – Illecebrum sessile Burm.f. Fl. Ind. (1768) 166. – Illecebrum indicum Houtt. Nat. Hist. 2, 7 (1777) 713, t. 43, f. 3. – Alternanthera triandra Lamk. Encycl. 1 (1783) 95; Burk. Diet. 1 (1935) 116. – Alternanthera denticulata R.Br. Prod. (1810) 417. – Alternanthera nodiflora R.Br. Prod. (1810) 417. – Achyranthes villosa (non Forsk.) Blanco, Fl. Filip. (1837) 189. – Adenogramma oppositifolia Hassk. in Flora 31 (1851) 754. Old World tropics. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
- Amaranthus gracilis Desf. Tabl. Ec. Bot. (1804) 43; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 76. – Amaranthus viridis L. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 2 (1763) 1405, ex parte. – Chenopodium caudatum Jacq. Coll. 2 (1788) 235 (non Amaranthus caudatus L.). – Amaranthus polystachyus Willd. Sp. Pl.4 (1805) 385. Euxolus caudatus Moo. in DC. Prod. 13,2 (1849) 274. – Euxolus polystachyus Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1858) 1036. Tropics. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
- Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. cruentus (L.) Thell. var. paniculatus (L.) Thelluno in Asch. & Gr. Syn. 5, 1 (1914) 247; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 79. – Amaranthus hybridus L. Sp.PI. (1753) 990. – Amaranthus cruentus L., Syst. PI. ed. 10, 2 (1759) 1269, lion Willd. ex Roxb. quod est A. caudatus L. – Amaranthus paniculatus L., Sp. PI. ed. 2 (1763) 1406. – Amaranthus speciosus Sims, Bot. Mae. (1821) t. 2227. Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands. SUMATRA, JAVA, NUSA TENGGARA.
- Amaranthus interruptus R.Br. Prod. (1810) 414; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 77. – Amaranthus spiratus Zipp. ex Span, in Linnaea 15 (1841) 345, nomen. – Euxolus interruptus Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 275. Lesser Sunda Islands, New Guinea, and Australia. NUSA TENGGARA.
- Amaranthus lividus L., Sp. Pl.1 (1753) 990; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 77. – Amaranthus viridis L., Sp.PL. ed. 2, 2 (1763) 1405, ex parte. – Amaranthus blitum (non L.) Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1 (1858) 1033. – Euxolus lividus Miq. I.e. 273. Sumatra, Java, Philippines, Sulawesi. SUMATRA, JAVA, SULAWESI.
- Amaranthus spinosus L., Sp. Pl. (1753) 991; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 78. Throughout Malesia. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
- Amaranthus tricolor L. (sens, ampl.) Sp. Pl. (1753) 989; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 78. – Amaranthus melancholicus L., Sp. Pl. (1753) 989. – Amaranthus mangostanus L., Cent. PI. 1 (1755) 32. – Amaranthus polygamus L., Cent. PI. I (1755) t. 32. – Amaranthus gangeticus L., Syst. ed. 10, 2 (1759) 1268. – Amaranthus oleraceus (non L.) Burm. ƒ. Fl. Ind. (1768) 198 (splialm. 298). – Amaranthus salicifolius Hort. Veitch ex Gard. Chron. (1871) 1550, fig. 331. Throughout the tropics. Unsure to be native.
- Centrostachys aquatica (R.Br.) Wall. Cat. (1829) 6932, nomen; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 87. – Achyranthes aquatica R.Br. Prod. (1810) 417. Africa to SE Asia. JAVA. Photos
- Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 549; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 82. – Achyranthes prostrata L., Sp.PL. ed. 2 (1762) 296. – Pupalia prostrata Mart. Beitr. Amar. (1825) 113. – Cyathula geniculata (non Lour.) Miq. FL. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1858) 1045. Africa to China and Australia. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
- Deeringia amaranthoides (Lamk) Merr. Interpr. Herb. Amb. (1917) 211; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 71. hes 136; En. Philip. F1.P1. 2 (1923) 126. – Achyranthes amaranthoides Lamk, Enc. 1 (1785) 548. – Celosia baccata Retz, Obs. 5 (1789) 32. – Deeringia celosioides R.Br, (non Hassk. 1848) Prod. (1810) 41. – Deeringia indica Retz ex Blume Bijdr. (1825) 542. – Lestibudesia philippica Weinm. Syll. Ratisb. 1 (1828) 118. – Celosia philippica Steud. Nom. ed. 2 (1841) 316. – Deeringia baccata Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 236. – Iresine amaranthoides Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 348. – Cladostachys baccata O.K. Rev. 2 (1891) 541. India to China, throughout Malesia (except Kalimantan and Maluku) to Australia. SUMATRA, JAVA, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU. Photos
- Deeringia arborescens (R.Br.) Druce, Rep. Bot. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 1916, 619 (1917); Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 72. – Lestibudesia arborescens R.Br. Prod. (1810) 414. – Celosia arborescens Spreng. Syst. 1 (1825) 815. – Lagrezia altissima Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 253. – Deeringia altissima F.v.M. Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 2 (1861) 92, I.e. 6 (1864) 251. – Cladostachys altissima O.K. Rev. 2 (1891) 541. Sulawesi, Maluku, New Guinea, and Australia (NE). SULAWESI, MALUKU, PAPUA.
- Deeringia polysperma (Roxb.) Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 236; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 72. – Celosia polyperma Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2 (1824) 511. – Lestibudesia latifolia Blume Bijdr. (1825) 541. – Celosia latifolia Steud. Nom. ed. 2 (1840) 315. – Deeringia indica Zoll. ex Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 236. – Deeringia celosioides (non R.Br. 1810) Hassk. PI. Jav. Rar. (1848) 436. – Deeringia indica var. pubescens Schinz in Bull. Herb. Boiss. II, 3 (1903) 3. – Deeringia polysperma var. pubescens Merr. En. Philip. F1. Pl. 2 (1923) 126. – Deeringia salicifolia Schinz in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. Fam. ed. 2, 16c (1934) 27, nomen. Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Java, Philippines, Sulawesi, Maluku, and New Guinea. SUMATRA, JAVA, SULAWESI, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
- Deeringia tetragyna Roxb. FL. Ind. ed. Carey (1832) 683; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 72. Endemic to Maluku. MALUKU.
- Digera muricata (L.) Mart. Beitr. Araar. (1825) 77, no 2; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 80. – Achyranthes muricata L., Sp.PL. ed. 2 (1762) 295. – Achyranthes alternifolia L., Mant. (1767) 50. – Digera arvensis Forsk. FL. Aeg.-Arab. (1775) 65. – Cladostachys frutescens D.Don, Prod. (1825) 76. – Desmochaeta catamuri Wight, Icon. (1843) t.732. – Cladostachys muricata Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 235. – Digera alternifolia Asch. in Schweinf. Beitr. FL. Aeth. (1867) 180. N Africa to S to SE Asia. JAVA, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU.
- Gomphrena canescens (Poir). R.Br. Prod. (1810) 416; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 96. – Philoxerus canescens Poir. in Lamk. Tabl. Enc. Bot. Suppl. 4 (1816) 393. – Gomphrena lanuginosa Span, in Linnaea 15 (1841) 346, ic. ined. 51. Lesser Sunda Islands, Maluku, and Australia. NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU.
- Gomphrena tenella (Miq.) Benth. Fl. Austr. 5 (1870) 256; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 97. – Iresine tenella Moo. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 343. Maluku or Lesser Sunda Islands (exact location unclear) and Australia. NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU.
- Nothosaerva brachiata (L.) Wight, Icon. 6 (1853) 1; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 86. – Illecebrum brachiatum L., Mant. (1767) 23. – Aerva brachiata Mart. Beitr. Amar. (1825) 83, no 3. Tropical Africa and Asia, also in SE Borneo. KALIMANTAN.
- Psilotrichum ferrugineum (Roxb.) Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 279; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 90. – Achyranthes ferruginea Roxb. Fl. Ind. ed. Wall. 2 (1824) 502. – Psilotrichum trichotomum Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 545. – Leiospermum ferrugineum Wight, Ic. (1843) 721. – Ptilotus trichotomus Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1858) 1037. SE Asia including Sumatra. SUMATRA.
- Ptilotus conlcus R.Br. Prod. (1810) 415; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 89. – Ptilotus corymbosus (non R.Br.) Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 543. – Ptilotus amabilis Span, in Linnaea 15 (1841) 345, ic. ined. 59 in Herb. Lugd. Bat. – Ptilotus conicus var. timorensis Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 7 (1885) 454. Lesser Sunda Islands and Maluku to Australia. NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU.
- Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss. in Ann. Mus. 2 (1803) 132; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 83. – Achyranthes lappacea L. Sp.PL. (1753) 204. – Achyranthes atropurpurea Lamk. Enc. I (1785) 346. – Pupalia atropurpurea Miq. I.e. 331. – Desmochaeta atropurpurea DC. and D. flavescens DC. ex Cat. Hort. Monsp. (1813). Africa to Malesia. JAVA, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, PAPUA.
- Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) O.K. Rev. Gen. 2 (1891) 537; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 94. – Gomphrena brasiliana L., Amoen. 4 (1759) 310. – Alternanthera strigosa Hassk. in Tijdschr. Nat. Gesch. & Phys. 5 (1838-9) 259. – Telanthera strigosa Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 370. – Mogiphanes jacquinii (non Schrad.) Boerl. Hand. Genees & Nat. Congr. Leiden (1889) 148. – Telanthera praelonga (an Miq.) Backer in Ann. J.B.B. Suppl. 3 (1909) 416. Native of tropical America. Introduced to Indonesia, formally reported from Java. Photos
- Alternanthera ficoides (L.) R.Br, ex R. & S. Syst. 5 (1819) 555; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 93. – Gomphrena ficoidea L., Sp. PI. (1753) 235. – Gomphrena polygonoides L., Sp. PI. (1753) 225, ex parte. – Alternanthera polygonoides R.Br. Prod. (1810) 416. – Eleianthera manillensis Walp. in Nov. Act. Ac. Nat. Cur. 19 (1843) Suppl. 1, 404. – Telanthera polygonoides Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 363.
- Alternanthera ficoides var. bettzickiana (Nich.) Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 93. – Alternanthera bettzickiana Nich. Gard. Diet. ed. 1 (1884) 59. – Alternanthera amoena (non Voss.) Back. & Sloot. Handb. Thee. (1924) 108,1. 108. From Brazil. Native of Brazil. Introcued and escaped in Java and Sumatra.
- Alternanthera paronychioides Andini et al. (2023, in prep.). Introduced to Sumatra. Photos
- Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. in Goett. Abh. 24 (1879) 36; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949). Bucholzia philoxeroides Mart. Beitr. Amar. (1825) 107. – Telanthera philoxeroides Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 362. Native of Brazil. Introduced to Indonesia: sighr record from Sumatra (Jambi) and reported from Java. Photos
- Alternanthera porrigens (Jacq.) O.K. Rev. Gen. 2 (1891) 538; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 94. – Achyranthes porrigens Jacq. Hort. Schoenbr. 3 (1798) 54, t. 350. – Telanthera porrigens Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 377. Native of Peru. Introduced and formally reported from Java.
- Alternanthera repens (L.) Steud. Nomencl. ed. 2, 1 (1840) 65; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 91. – Achyranthes repens L., Sp.PI. (1753) 205. – Illecebrum achyrantha L., Sp.PI. ed. 2 (1762) 299. – Alternanthera achyrantha R.Br. Prod. (1810) 417. Native of tropical America. Introduced to Indonesia: Java.
- Amaranthus dubius Mart. Hort. ErI. (1814) 197; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 79. Native of tropical America. Introduced to Java.
- Amaranthus caudatus L., Sp. PI. (1753) 990; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 80. Unknown. Introduced to Indonesia, in Sumatra. Photos
- Celosia argentea L., Sp. Pl. (1753) 205; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949). – Celosia cristata L. Sp.PL. (1753) 205. – Celosia coccinea L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2 (1762) 297. – Celosia pyramidalis Burm. f. Fl. Ind. (1768) 65, t. 25, fig. 1. – Celosia huttonii Mast, in Gard. Chron. 1872, 215. Not native. Introduced from elsewhere. Photos
- Gomphrena celosioides Mart. Beitr. Amar. (1825) 93; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 96. Native of tropical America. Introduced to Indonesia: Java.
- Gomphrena globosa L., Sp.PI. (1753) 224; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 95. – Flos globosus Rumph. Herb. Amb. 5, 289, t. 100, fig. 2. Native of Tropical America. Introduced to and naturalized to Sumatra and Java. Photos
- Iresine herbstii Hook.f, in Gard. Chron. (1864) 654, 1206; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 86. – Iresine celosioides ( non Linn (!) Boerl. in Verh. 2c Gcnees- en Nat. Congr. Leiden (1889) 148. Tropical America. Introduced to Sumatra and Java.
- Backer CA. 1949. Amaranthaceae. Flora Malesiana ser 1. 4 (2): 69-98.