1. Achyranthes aspera L., Sp. Pl. (1753) 204; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 88. Achyranthes canescens R.Br. Prod. (1810) 417. – Achyranthes argentea Decne in Nouv. Ann. Mus. 3 (1834) 372; Span, in Linnaea 15 (1841) 345. – Achyranthes grandifolia Miq. I.e. 313; Miq. I.e. 1042. Cosmopolitan, throughout Malesia. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
  2. Achyranthes bidentata Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 545; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949). – Achyranthes javanica Miq. I.e. 312; Miq. I.e. 1041. Tropical Africa and Asia, in Malesia: Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Philippines, Maluku, Lesser Sunda, New Guinea. SUMATRA, JAVA, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA.



  1. Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. in Ann. Mus. Paris 11 (1808) 131; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 84. – Achyranthes lanata L., Sp. Pl. (1735) 204. Africa to Asia. Sumatra, Java, Philippines, Maluku, New Guinea. SUMATRA, JAVA, MALUKU, PAPUA.
  2. Aerva sanguinolenta (L.) Blume Bijdr. (1825) 547; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 85. – Achyranthes sanguinolenta L.f. Sp. Pl. ed. 2 (1762) 294. – Achyranthes scandens Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2 (1824) 509. – Aerva scandens Wall. Cat. (1829) 6911, nomen; Miq. I.e. 302. – Aerva timorensis Miq. I.e. 301; Miq. I.e. 1039. India to China and Malesia. JAVA, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU. Photos


ALLMANIA R.Br. ex Wight

  1. Allmania nodiflora (L.) R.Br, in Wall. Cat. (1832) 6890, nomen; Hook.f. Fl. Br. Ind. 4 (1885) 716; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 74. – Celosia nodiflora L., Sp.PL. (1753) 205. – Allmania albida R. BR. in Wall. Cat. 6981 (1832) nomen. – Allmania esculenta R.Br, in Wall. I.e. 6892. – Chamissoa brownei Steud. Nom. ed. 2 (1841) 344. – Chamissoa javanica Hassk. Fl. Jav. Rar. (1848) 434. – Chamissoa albida Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 248. – Chamissoa esculenta Miq. I.e. 249. – Chamissoa nodiflora Mart, ex Miq. I.E.; Hassk. in PI. Jungh. (1852) 129. – Chamissoa pyramidalis Miq. 1 I.e. 248. – Allmania pyramidalis KOORD. Exk. Fl. 2 (1912) 195. Tropical Asia to Central Malesia. SUMATRA, JAVA, NUSA TENGGARA.



  1. Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br, ex R. & S. Syst 5 (1819) 554; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 92. – Gomphrena sessilis L., Sp. Pl. (1753) 225. – Illecebrum sessile Burm.f. Fl. Ind. (1768) 166. – Illecebrum indicum Houtt. Nat. Hist. 2, 7 (1777) 713, t. 43, f. 3. – Alternanthera triandra Lamk. Encycl. 1 (1783) 95; Burk. Diet. 1 (1935) 116. – Alternanthera denticulata R.Br. Prod. (1810) 417. – Alternanthera nodiflora R.Br. Prod. (1810) 417. – Achyranthes villosa (non Forsk.) Blanco, Fl. Filip. (1837) 189. – Adenogramma oppositifolia Hassk. in Flora 31 (1851) 754. Old World tropics. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos



  1. Amaranthus gracilis Desf. Tabl. Ec. Bot. (1804) 43; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 76. – Amaranthus viridis L. Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 2 (1763) 1405, ex parte. – Chenopodium caudatum Jacq. Coll. 2 (1788) 235 (non Amaranthus caudatus L.). – Amaranthus polystachyus Willd. Sp. Pl.4 (1805) 385. Euxolus caudatus Moo. in DC. Prod. 13,2 (1849) 274. – Euxolus polystachyus Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1858) 1036. Tropics. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
    • Amaranthus hybridus L. subsp. cruentus (L.) Thell. var. paniculatus (L.) Thelluno in Asch. & Gr. Syn. 5, 1 (1914) 247; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 79. – Amaranthus hybridus L. Sp.PI. (1753) 990. – Amaranthus cruentus L., Syst. PI. ed. 10, 2 (1759) 1269, lion Willd. ex Roxb. quod est A. caudatus L. – Amaranthus paniculatus L., Sp. PI. ed. 2 (1763) 1406. – Amaranthus speciosus Sims, Bot. Mae. (1821) t. 2227. Sumatra, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands. SUMATRA, JAVA, NUSA TENGGARA.
  2. Amaranthus interruptus R.Br. Prod. (1810) 414; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 77. – Amaranthus spiratus Zipp. ex Span, in Linnaea 15 (1841) 345, nomen. – Euxolus interruptus Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 275. Lesser Sunda Islands, New Guinea, and Australia. NUSA TENGGARA.
  3. Amaranthus lividus L., Sp. Pl.1 (1753) 990; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 77. – Amaranthus viridis L., Sp.PL. ed. 2, 2 (1763) 1405, ex parte. – Amaranthus blitum (non L.) Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1 (1858) 1033. – Euxolus lividus Miq. I.e. 273. Sumatra, Java, Philippines, Sulawesi. SUMATRA, JAVA, SULAWESI.
  4. Amaranthus spinosus L., Sp. Pl. (1753) 991; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 78. Throughout Malesia. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
  5. Amaranthus tricolor L. (sens, ampl.) Sp. Pl. (1753) 989; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 78. – Amaranthus melancholicus L., Sp. Pl. (1753) 989. – Amaranthus mangostanus L., Cent. PI. 1 (1755) 32. – Amaranthus polygamus L., Cent. PI. I (1755) t. 32. – Amaranthus gangeticus L., Syst. ed. 10, 2 (1759) 1268. – Amaranthus oleraceus (non L.) Burm. ƒ. Fl. Ind. (1768) 198 (splialm. 298). – Amaranthus salicifolius Hort. Veitch ex Gard. Chron. (1871) 1550, fig. 331. Throughout the tropics. Unsure to be native.



  1. Centrostachys aquatica (R.Br.) Wall. Cat. (1829) 6932, nomen; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 87. – Achyranthes aquatica R.Br. Prod. (1810) 417. Africa to SE Asia. JAVA. Photos



  1. Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 549; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 82. – Achyranthes prostrata L., Sp.PL. ed. 2 (1762) 296. – Pupalia prostrata Mart. Beitr. Amar. (1825) 113. – Cyathula geniculata (non Lour.) Miq. FL. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1858) 1045. Africa to China and Australia. SUMATRA, JAVA, KALIMANTAN, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos



  1. Deeringia amaranthoides (Lamk) Merr. Interpr. Herb. Amb. (1917) 211; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 71. hes 136; En. Philip. F1.P1. 2 (1923) 126. – Achyranthes amaranthoides Lamk, Enc. 1 (1785) 548. – Celosia baccata Retz, Obs. 5 (1789) 32. – Deeringia celosioides R.Br, (non Hassk. 1848) Prod. (1810) 41. – Deeringia indica Retz ex Blume Bijdr. (1825) 542. – Lestibudesia philippica Weinm. Syll. Ratisb. 1 (1828) 118. – Celosia philippica Steud. Nom. ed. 2 (1841) 316. – Deeringia baccata Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 236. – Iresine amaranthoides Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 348. – Cladostachys baccata O.K. Rev. 2 (1891) 541. India to China, throughout Malesia (except Kalimantan and Maluku) to Australia. SUMATRA, JAVA, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU. Photos
  2. Deeringia arborescens (R.Br.) Druce, Rep. Bot. Exch. Club Br. Isl. 1916, 619 (1917); Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 72. – Lestibudesia arborescens R.Br. Prod. (1810) 414. – Celosia arborescens Spreng. Syst. 1 (1825) 815. – Lagrezia altissima Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 253. – Deeringia altissima F.v.M. Fragm. Phyt. Austr. 2 (1861) 92, I.e. 6 (1864) 251. – Cladostachys altissima O.K. Rev. 2 (1891) 541. Sulawesi, Maluku, New Guinea, and Australia (NE). SULAWESI, MALUKU, PAPUA.
  3. Deeringia polysperma (Roxb.) Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 236; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 72. – Celosia polyperma Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2 (1824) 511. – Lestibudesia latifolia Blume Bijdr. (1825) 541. – Celosia latifolia Steud. Nom. ed. 2 (1840) 315. – Deeringia indica Zoll. ex Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 236. – Deeringia celosioides (non R.Br. 1810) Hassk. PI. Jav. Rar. (1848) 436. – Deeringia indica var. pubescens Schinz in Bull. Herb. Boiss. II, 3 (1903) 3. – Deeringia polysperma var. pubescens Merr. En. Philip. F1. Pl. 2 (1923) 126. – Deeringia salicifolia Schinz in E. & P. Nat. Pfl. Fam. ed. 2, 16c (1934) 27, nomen. Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Java, Philippines, Sulawesi, Maluku, and New Guinea. SUMATRA, JAVA, SULAWESI, MALUKU, PAPUA. Photos
  4. Deeringia tetragyna Roxb. FL. Ind. ed. Carey (1832) 683; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 72. Endemic to Maluku. MALUKU.




  1. Digera muricata (L.) Mart. Beitr. Araar. (1825) 77, no 2; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 80. – Achyranthes muricata L., Sp.PL. ed. 2 (1762) 295. – Achyranthes alternifolia L., Mant. (1767) 50. – Digera arvensis Forsk. FL. Aeg.-Arab. (1775) 65. – Cladostachys frutescens D.Don, Prod. (1825) 76. – Desmochaeta catamuri Wight, Icon. (1843) t.732. – Cladostachys muricata Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 235. – Digera alternifolia Asch. in Schweinf. Beitr. FL. Aeth. (1867) 180. N Africa to S to SE Asia. JAVA, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU.



  1. Gomphrena canescens (Poir). R.Br. Prod. (1810) 416; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 96. – Philoxerus canescens Poir. in Lamk. Tabl. Enc. Bot. Suppl. 4 (1816) 393. – Gomphrena lanuginosa Span, in Linnaea 15 (1841) 346, ic. ined. 51. Lesser Sunda Islands, Maluku, and Australia. NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU.
  2. Gomphrena tenella (Miq.) Benth. Fl. Austr. 5 (1870) 256; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 97. – Iresine tenella Moo. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 343. Maluku or Lesser Sunda Islands (exact location unclear) and Australia. NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU.



  1. Nothosaerva brachiata (L.) Wight, Icon. 6 (1853) 1; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 86. – Illecebrum brachiatum L., Mant. (1767) 23. – Aerva brachiata Mart. Beitr. Amar. (1825) 83, no 3. Tropical Africa and Asia, also in SE Borneo. KALIMANTAN.



  1. Psilotrichum ferrugineum (Roxb.) Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 279; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 90. – Achyranthes ferruginea Roxb. Fl. Ind. ed. Wall. 2 (1824) 502. – Psilotrichum trichotomum Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 545. – Leiospermum ferrugineum Wight, Ic. (1843) 721. – Ptilotus trichotomus Miq. Fl. Ind. Bat. 1, 1 (1858) 1037. SE Asia including Sumatra. SUMATRA.



  1. Ptilotus conlcus R.Br. Prod. (1810) 415; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 89. – Ptilotus corymbosus (non R.Br.) Blume, Bijdr. (1825) 543. – Ptilotus amabilis Span, in Linnaea 15 (1841) 345, ic. ined. 59 in Herb. Lugd. Bat. – Ptilotus conicus var. timorensis Engl. Bot. Jahrb. 7 (1885) 454. Lesser Sunda Islands and Maluku to Australia. NUSA TENGGARA, MALUKU.



  1. Pupalia lappacea (L.) Juss. in Ann. Mus. 2 (1803) 132; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 83. – Achyranthes lappacea L. Sp.PL. (1753) 204. – Achyranthes atropurpurea Lamk. Enc. I (1785) 346. – Pupalia atropurpurea Miq. I.e. 331. – Desmochaeta atropurpurea DC. and D. flavescens DC. ex Cat. Hort. Monsp. (1813). Africa to Malesia. JAVA, SULAWESI, NUSA TENGGARA, PAPUA.




  1. Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) O.K. Rev. Gen. 2 (1891) 537; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 94. – Gomphrena brasiliana L., Amoen. 4 (1759) 310. – Alternanthera strigosa Hassk. in Tijdschr. Nat. Gesch. & Phys. 5 (1838-9) 259. – Telanthera strigosa Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 370. – Mogiphanes jacquinii (non Schrad.) Boerl. Hand. Genees & Nat. Congr. Leiden (1889) 148. – Telanthera praelonga (an Miq.) Backer in Ann. J.B.B. Suppl. 3 (1909) 416. Native of tropical America. Introduced to Indonesia, formally reported from Java. Photos
  2. Alternanthera ficoides (L.) R.Br, ex R. & S. Syst. 5 (1819) 555; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 93. – Gomphrena ficoidea L., Sp. PI. (1753) 235. – Gomphrena polygonoides L., Sp. PI. (1753) 225, ex parte. – Alternanthera polygonoides R.Br. Prod. (1810) 416. – Eleianthera manillensis Walp. in Nov. Act. Ac. Nat. Cur. 19 (1843) Suppl. 1, 404. – Telanthera polygonoides Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 363.
    • Alternanthera ficoides var. bettzickiana (Nich.) Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 93. – Alternanthera bettzickiana Nich. Gard. Diet. ed. 1 (1884) 59. – Alternanthera amoena (non Voss.) Back. & Sloot. Handb. Thee. (1924) 108,1. 108. From Brazil. Native of Brazil. Introcued and escaped in Java and Sumatra.
  3. Alternanthera paronychioides Andini et al. (2023, in prep.). Introduced to Sumatra. Photos
  4. Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. in Goett. Abh. 24 (1879) 36; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949). Bucholzia philoxeroides Mart. Beitr. Amar. (1825) 107. – Telanthera philoxeroides Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 362. Native of Brazil. Introduced to Indonesia: sighr record from Sumatra (Jambi) and reported from Java. Photos
  5. Alternanthera porrigens (Jacq.) O.K. Rev. Gen. 2 (1891) 538; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 94. – Achyranthes porrigens Jacq. Hort. Schoenbr. 3 (1798) 54, t. 350. – Telanthera porrigens Miq. in DC. Prod. 13, 2 (1849) 377. Native of Peru. Introduced and formally reported from Java.
  6. Alternanthera repens (L.) Steud. Nomencl. ed. 2, 1 (1840) 65; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 91. – Achyranthes repens L., Sp.PI. (1753) 205. – Illecebrum achyrantha L., Sp.PI. ed. 2 (1762) 299. – Alternanthera achyrantha R.Br. Prod. (1810) 417. Native of tropical America. Introduced to Indonesia: Java.



  1. Amaranthus dubius Mart. Hort. ErI. (1814) 197; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 79. Native of tropical America. Introduced to Java.
  2. Amaranthus caudatus L., Sp. PI. (1753) 990; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 80. Unknown. Introduced to Indonesia, in Sumatra. Photos



  1. Celosia argentea L., Sp. Pl. (1753) 205; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949). – Celosia cristata L. Sp.PL. (1753) 205. – Celosia coccinea L., Sp. Pl. ed. 2 (1762) 297. – Celosia pyramidalis Burm. f. Fl. Ind. (1768) 65, t. 25, fig. 1. – Celosia huttonii Mast, in Gard. Chron. 1872, 215. Not native. Introduced from elsewhere. Photos



  1. Gomphrena celosioides Mart. Beitr. Amar. (1825) 93; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 96. Native of tropical America. Introduced to Indonesia: Java.
  2. Gomphrena globosa L., Sp.PI. (1753) 224; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 95. – Flos globosus Rumph. Herb. Amb. 5, 289, t. 100, fig. 2. Native of Tropical America. Introduced to and naturalized to Sumatra and Java. Photos



  1. Iresine herbstii Hook.f, in Gard. Chron. (1864) 654, 1206; Backer, Fl. Malesiana ser 1. 4, 2 (1949) 86. – Iresine celosioides ( non Linn (!) Boerl. in Verh. 2c Gcnees- en Nat. Congr. Leiden (1889) 148. Tropical America. Introduced to Sumatra and Java.

